SOWÉ Botanic Lab, feel good about yourself, naturally

L’alliance parfaite d’ingrédients nobles et 100% naturels, certifiés Ecocert

  • Des graines d’argan bio pressées à froid.
  • Des extraits de fleurs de figue de barbarie.

D’incroyables alliés anti-rides dans une formule unique pour une action anti-oxydante boostée.

Cette huile d'exception peut être appliquée comme un sérum, une crème de jour ou de nuit, ou en masque hydratant. Elle aide à prévenir et à réduire les rides, les taches, les cernes et les poches sous les yeux.
C'est également un formidable sérum pour sublimer vos cheveux.

Pharmacie Martiano - 92800 - Puteaux

  • Pharmacie Martiano

    • 38 rue Godefroy

    92800, Puteaux, France

  • + 33 1 49 00 04 58

Des bénéfices reconnus dans le monde entier

Cette huile d’exception est naturellement riche en acide gallique et spinastérol, des actifs cosmétiques puissants aux propriétés

  • anti-taches de vieillesse
  • anti-inflammatoires
  • antioxydantes
  • hydratantes

Pour protéger contre le vieillissement prématuré et maintenir une peau saine et élastique.

Huile non-comédogène utra nourrissante.

En savoir plus

2 formats proposés aux prix conseillés de

9,90 € pour le flacon 10 ml

24,90 € pour le flacon 50 ml

Également disponible, un échantillons de 2 ml en flacon verre.

N'hésitez pas à demander conseil à votre pharmacien.

SOWÉ Botanic Lab stands out for its minimalist formulas, its eco-responsibility and its 100% natural ingredients, with no controversial components.

The products are made from certified organic ingredients and are formulated cold to preserve their natural benefits. Ideal for the skin.


What properties do plant oils have for the skin?

Skin oils are natural products that can have many benefits, depending on their composition and how they are used.

Vegetable oils are extracted from plants, fruit, seeds or nuts. They are rich in fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They can nourish, moisturise, protect, regulate, heal and soften the skin. They are suitable for all skin types, but you need to choose the one that best suits your needs and sensitivities. Jojoba oil is ideal for all skin types, including oily skin, because its light, penetrating texture protects the dermis. Argan oil is recommended for dry and mature skin, because it has nourishing, regenerating and anti-ageing properties, while hempseed oil is better suited to oily skin.

Do you have any questions?

We've tried to answer the most frequently asked questions here.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at

How should plant oils be used on the skin?

Here are a few tips on how to use plant oils on the skin.


You can apply your oil before or after your cream or serum.

As our oils are non-comedogenic, they allow the active ingredients in your cream to pass through. Applying them on top of your cream or serum will provide you with lipids. They will form a protective film on the skin's surface that will prevent the evaporation of water and keep it well hydrated.


For the body, massage in zone by zone (bust, arms, stomach, thighs) using circular movements. For the face, apply the oil or treatment in smoothing movements, starting from the centre and working outwards.

Pure application

You can also use a pure vegetable oil. All you need is a few drops, warmed in the palm of your hand and applied with a gentle massage, to reap all the benefits.

Other uses

Vegetable oils can also be used to remove make-up, as day and night creams, as eye care, as oil baths for the hair, or to revive dull complexions.

What are the differences between vegetable oils and essential oils?

Vegetable oils and essential oils both come from nature, but they are very different in terms of composition, origin, method of production and use.

Vegetable oils are fats that nourish and protect the skin, while essential oils are concentrates of volatile substances with therapeutic properties.

Vegetable oil

They are extracted from oleaginous plants such as baobab and sunflower, or from dried fruit, seeds or flowers. They contain vitamins and fatty acids, and have nutritive, protective, softening and regenerative properties that are beneficial for the skin. They can be used or eaten pure. They can also be used as a base for diluting essential oils.

Essential oil

They are obtained from the flowers, stems, roots or leaves of plants, often by distillation. Their therapeutic properties (toning, digestive, soothing, etc.) vary according to their origin. They generally need to be diluted, for example in a vegetable oil, and can also be inhaled. Care must be taken, however, as there are contraindications to the use of essential oils, as some of their chemical components can be dangerous.

To find out more: The difference between vegetable oils and essential oils

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