Properties of grapefruit essential oil on the skin
- It is invigorating and stimulating, which allows it to restore tone and vitality in cases of fatigue, stress or depression. It improves mood, concentration and memory, in inhalation or massage.
- It is healing and regenerative of the skin, which allows it to promote the healing of wounds, burns and skin irritations. It also fights against oily skin, pimples and blackheads, applied locally or as a mask.
Other benefits of grapefruit essential oil
- It is antiseptic and deodorizing, which allows it to purify and perfume the ambient air, by diffusion or vaporization. It eliminates bacteria, viruses and fungi responsible for respiratory infections, such as colds, flu or sinusitis.
- It is digestive and detoxifying, which allows it to facilitate digestion, relieve nausea, heartburn and constipation, and protect the liver and gallbladder. It also helps eliminate toxins and fats, in cases of overweight, cellulite or water retention, ingestion or massage.
Grapefruit essential oil can be used in different ways, depending on what you want to use it for. It can be consumed as an infusion, essential oil, massage oil, grapefruit water or in cooking. However, the recommended doses and precautions for use must be respected, because grapefruit essential oil can have undesirable effects if used incorrectly or overdosed.
It is important to choose a grapefruit essential oil without furocoumarins to avoid photosensitizing risks. They increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun. Using grapefruit oil containing furocoumarins on the skin risks developing skin reactions, such as redness, burning, blisters or brown spots.
At SOWÉ, we only use essential oils without furocoumarins.